Bernadette Mung

At Marketing Trends, we are discovering what drives Australia’s top marketers. Bernadette went from copywriting to becoming Global Head of Marketing at OMG . In this episode, she tells us about the agency’s commitment to transforming last year’s challenges into an unmissable opportunity for growth and how Marketing is becoming the main revenue-driver engine.

Read her complete story here!

Career & professional background

Bernadette, how did your career start in marketing?

My marketing career really first started in copywriting. I fell in love with crafting words that would intrigue, inform, and ultimately compel readers to take some action. But after a while, I became curious about what happened with all of those words once they were shipped off to clients. I wanted to know how content could be attributed for site traffic increases, ultimately leading to more sales or visibility.

That’s when I fell in love with Marketing — where connecting the dots between every activity, channel, touch-point was where all the wins (and impact) lay.

Working in a small digital marketing agency environment (with plenty of client campaigns and a tight-knit team) is where it all began for me.

If you hadn’t pursued a career in marketing, in which other industry do you think you might be?

Another tech creative field most likely. I’m extremely inspired by the concept of “disruptive innovation”, the startup and tech ecosystem is fascinating, and being a part of pioneering that innovative industry strongly appeals to me.

Could you tell us about your role as Global Head of Marketing at Online Marketing Gurus?

As Global Head of Marketing, my role focuses on:

  • Leading all Marketing for OMG, with a focus on acquiring and retaining clients;
  • Championing international expansion into our next primary market, USA;
  • Offering strategic input into the growth of OMG, through forecasting, market analysis, etc.

What does this look like day to day? In practice, it’s collaborating with Gurus day in and out.

First and foremost, working with my incredible team of 6 marketers as we roll out campaign after campaign, across a wealth of channels. Even more so, staying closely integrated with our Sales Team, to effectively close the loop and pivot campaigns. And most of all, working with Gurus across the business to find new ways to celebrate our clients and streamline their experience.

OMG is a thoroughly fun, fast-paced and rewarding place to be, with a clear vision for growth.

What type of impact has COVID-19 had on your industry?

COVID-19 has presented challenges in our industry, like every other. However, Digital Marketing was better poised than most to pivot.

For our organisation, along with all of our clients, Digital Marketing was the primary means of staying connected with customers and continuing to stay strong. Even without events, without foot traffic in the streets, without face-to-face contact, the online world has (and continues to) to present an unmissable opportunity for growth.

In fact, assisting our clients in strengthening their online presence has been incredibly rewarding. The results really speak for themselves, we have helped their businesses flourish and grow despite the current economic landscape. That’s testament to the incredible talent pool, cohesive and collaborative environment at OMG.

What is the most exciting trend or innovation happening in your field in terms of growth?

“Data-driven” is the buzzword we all know and love. Yet it’s also the most exciting trend to see in marketing, where evidence really is leading the way. One of the most crucial changes in our industry is seeing Marketing taking its place as the revenue-driver and strategic engine for a lot of business growth. ROI is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal.

As a marketer, what do you think is the biggest challenge facing your industry in the future?

One of the biggest game-changers is the conversation around privacy. The online world is changing faster than ever. And as legislation and companies alike try to keep up, the landscape will change. Only time will tell how marketers need to adapt.

Tools, recommendations & sources of inspiration

What does a typical day look like for you? How do you structure your week?

I start and end every day by looking at the numbers. We have one system that every single department in the business uses, and it’s our source of truth. Reviewing how our campaigns are tracking against our goals. In addition, we have a team stand up on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to align on the big rocks and how everyone is progressing.

What brands do you take your inspiration from?

Any brands that are disrupting their space, and don’t take themselves too seriously either. Koala comes to mind with their on-point creative, and incredible remarketing campaigns.

I have a huge respect for HubSpot who’ve pioneered the definition of genuine, value-first Content Marketing.

Software and tools recommendations: what is the one software you can’t work without?

Ahrefs and Semrush are a daily must. SEO & content are a big part of my background in marketing, and so I like to stay in the loop with how we’re tracking and what search trends can tell us.

What are three resources you would recommend for anyone working in your field?

  • HubSpot’s inbound marketing courses are a great, all-encompassing resource to understand a full-funnel strategy.
  • Backlinko’s research pieces around SEO & content are absolute must-reads.
  • Udemy also has some serious gems on all aspects of Digital Marketing.